Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Enjoy Africa, Deadbeat! : Jermaine Jackson - State Department

Enjoy Africa, Deadbeat! : Jermaine Jackson - State Department

Who would have guessed when Jermaine Jackson took a trip to Burkina Faso in Africa that he would end up stuck there because of his failure to pay child support.
His passport expired and he can't get a new one until he does.
How does that work? In 2008, Jermaine's baby mama Alejandra Jackson (mom of Jafaar and Jermajesty), had a judge issue a support order for $3,000/month.

Jermaine has racked up $91,921 in back child support since.
Under California law, if someone owes more than $2,500 a month, the state informs the U.S. government, which often will red flag that person's passport.
Once the passport expires, it cannot be renewed until the person becomes current on their outstanding support obligations. Now here's where it gets crazy.
Jermaine's passport expired during his trip, so he can't get a new one and is stuck overseas until he comes up with the cash or the U.S. Embassy intervenes.
The Embassy will often issue temporary papers so the person can return to the U.S. in certain situations, but we don't imagine they're in a huge rush here.
Who doesn't renew their passport so it doesn't expire by the time they come back from an international trip? Dude should be kept there out of stupidity.
Also, not only can he not support his kids, but he names one of them Jermajesty and the other one tries to taser Blanket. Not cool, Jermaine. Not cool.

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Nikki Sixx and Denise Richards- Already Over

Nikki Sixx and Denise Richards- Already Over

Brace yourself, THG readers. An iconic Hollywood couple has broken up.
Following a month of dating, Denise Richards and Nikki Sixx have called it a relationship, with a source close to Charlie Sheen's ex saying the fling was never serious.

"They were never exclusive or serious to begin with!" says an insider. "I could count on my hand how many times they went out. They decided to try it and she was not intereste. That's dating! This isn't some big, dramatic split."
Hey, speak for yourself, anonymous source. We thought these two would be the next Brangelina.

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Lindsay Lohan: Mentored By Tom Hardy

Lindsay Lohan: Mentored By Tom Hardy

Actor Tom Hardy starred in Inception among other films. Now he's taking on a far more difficult challenge in play mentor to Lindsay Lohan.
Someone is trying to plant an idea in her head about how to stay sober. That's a good thing, and a fellow patient might be the best route.
She needs someone she respects and with whom she can truly relate. Otherwise, we might see Lindsay Lohan wasted again before long.

LiLo has a struck a friendship with Hardy recently after the pair were introduced by a mutual friend. They even met for dinner one night last week.
Tom is giving now Lindsay advice on how to stay sober and sources say that believe it or not, Lindsay is actually seriously really listening to him.
Hardy famously battled addiction early on his career and has been clean since 2003. We wish both the best of luck in their continued sobriety.

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Still, tell us: All of this makes you think Dr. Murray is ...

Michael Jackson Manslaughter Case: Five New Revelations From Preliminary Hearing

Last week was not a good one for Dr. Conrad Murray.
In the opening days of the preliminary hearing to determine whether or not there is enough evidence for him to stand trial on involuntary manslaughter charges in the death of Michael Jackson, prosecutors unleashed a deluge of evidence.
While much of the alleged proof of his guilt - and Dr. Murray's defense - has been out there for some time, here were five revelations that were news to THG ...

1. The children saw it. Yes, MJ's kids watched him die. Tragically, Prince and Paris Jackson watched as Murray frantically attempted to revive the pop star.
2. Murray had never done CPR. During efforts to revive MJ, his Head of Security, Faheem Muhammad, says Murray asked, "Does anyone know CPR?"
3. He allegedly tried to cover his tracks. The Michael Jackson death timeline has been debated at length, but the prosecution just played its hand.
When it became clear there was a problem, Murray waited a full 21 minutes before calling 911, at which point he failed to mention the Propofol thing.
During that time, instead, in addition to attempting to revive Michael, he phoned his girlfriend, Jackson's personal assistant and fired off several texts.
4. His behavior was beyond sketchy. Paramedic Richard Senneff said Murray was "sweating" and "hyperkinetic" in the aftermath of what happened.
Sure, that's natural given MJ's collapse, but he also failed to disclose any of the medications he had put Jackson on and would not call a time of death.
Senneff said it was clear Jackson was dead, but Murray urged him against "calling it." MJ was driven to the hospital, where ER docs found him DOA.
5. People grieve in different ways. Apparently. In Murray's case, he announced he was hungry at the hospital, went to find food and peaced out.
When deputies later showed up to begin questioning Murray at the hospital, no one was sure of his whereabouts, leaving him briefly a wanted man.
NOTE: Remember that Murray's defense team has elected to more or less sit this hearing out, let the D.A. play its hand and prepare for trial.
Since this is not the doctor's actual trial, but merely a hearing to decide if he'll stand trial (he will), the defense chose an "observe and report" tack.
Still, tell us: All of this makes you think Dr. Murray is ...
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Pregnant with Fourth Child: Victoria Beckham

Pregnant with Fourth Child: Victoria Beckham

I look at David naked and think, 'You done good, girl!' - Victoria Beckham to Marie Claire last month.
The woman formerly known as Posh Spice did more than just look at her husband naked recently, as this couple has announced its expecting its fourth child in the spring.

"David and Victoria Beckham are delighted to confirm they are expecting their fourth child in the summer," said spokeswoman Jo Milloy. "[Sons] Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz are very excited about the arrival of their new brother or sister."
The model and soccer star have been married for 11 years.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Michael Jackson loop Death Timeline May Be Smoking Gun Against Dr. Conrad [Copy Link]

Music: Hole in Michael Jackson Death Timeline May Be Smoking Gun Against Dr. Conrad Murray

The prosecution commenced outlining its case against Dr. Conrad Murray during his preliminary hearing this week and suffice it to say, they're doing a good job.
From phone records to witnesses, nothing seems to line up well for the doc to beat the rap on involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson.
Today's bombshell could be a smoking gun as far as disproving Murray's version of events that fateful day in June 25. All courtesy of his girlfriend too.
A girlfriend of Dr. Conrad Murray at the time of Jackson's death established that he waited around 25 minutes to call for help after noticing a lifeless MJ.
Sade Anding, who was in Houston the day MJ died, says she got a call from Murray at around 12:30 p.m. Phone records show it was actually 11:51 a.m.
That difference is big, because the 911 call wasn't made until 12:21 p.m.

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Rihanna Release Signature Scent: Reb'l Fleur

Music: Rihanna Release Signature Scent: Reb'l Fleur

Reb'l Fleur, the first fragrance to bear the name and likeness of pop superstar Rihanna, will be available to the smelly public at large January 25.
RiRi's perfume, which came about thanks to a deal brokered by manager Jay-Z, is curiously described as "like heels with a short, flirty dress."
It's a fruity mix of red berries, plum, peach, coconut water, violet and Hawaiian hibiscus, in reflection of Rihanna's tropical roots. Obviously.

As for its fun name, the scent shares it with a tattoo the pop star bears on her neck, although which came first is still up for debate at this time.
Whatever it means, Reb'l Fleur will first available at Macys for $49 a pop.
For her next scent, we suggest "Only Girl in the World" or "Hard" as good names. They get the point across, and have built-in

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